Product Description
The Multi-tine Shaft
After years of success of over seeding and primary seeding in the turf industry with the AERA-vator shaft, the Multi-tine shaft was designed to be able to overseed into low-mow height of cut such as golf course fairways and tees. The AERA-vator was too aggressive for such applications so customer demand drove us to design a machine that would be less aggressive in these conditions. With less vibrating action the the AERA-vator, this is an ideal shaft for over seeding into most all turf conditions. The turf must have a strong root zone to prevent the turf from rolling up. This shaft offers 55 holes per square ft, but only 0-2″ deep so there are plenty holes for seed to grow in. The majority of these shafts are used in the golf course industry for over-seeding fairways in the fall after a full growing season when roots are strongest. This shaft is also used in the artificial/synthetic turf surfaces. Over time, the crumb rubber can compact, shift and move creating a compacted playing surface. This shaft can be set to a height above the backing loosening the crumb rubber creating a softer playing surface in what is already an undesired and uncomfortable playing surface.